Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) are innovative open-enrollment high schools that allow students least likely to attend college an opportunity to receive both a high school diploma and a credential and/or an associate degree.
The P-TECH program must offer open enrollment and flexible scheduling structures that enable students to combing high school, postsecondary courses and work-based learning, at no cost to participating students.
Leadership Team Strategic Priorities
The P-TECH program shall serve, or include plans to scale up to serve, students in Grades 9 through 14, and shall target and enroll students who are at risk of dropping out of school as defined by the Public Educaiton Information Management System (PEIMS) and who might not otherwise go to college.
Business Partnership Agreements
MOU with Frank Phillips College
Strategic partnerships with business and industry partners and IHE’s are formally articulated in writing and clearly define a variety of careers.
PTECH English Informational Letter
PTECH Spanish Informational Letter
PTECH English Application and Admissions Policy
PTECH Spanish Application and Admissions Policy
The P-TECH program shall provide a rigorous course of study that enables a participating student to receive a high school diploma, an associate degree, postsecondary certifcate provided by an IHE, or industry certification during Grades 9-13.
Secondary Education Crosswalk with SPED
P-TECH will provide wrap-around strategies and services involving multiple stakeholders (parents, teachers, counselors, community members, etc.) to strengthen both the academic and technical skills necessary for high school and college readiness, as well as provide academis, technical, and individual support for students to be successful in rigorous academic and work-based learning experiences.
The P-TECH program must offer students a variety of relevant, high-skill, work-based learning experiences at every grade level that respond to student interest and regional employer needs and contribute to students earning aligned industry certifications and credentials.