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December 16, 2024 Board Meeting Notes

Posted Date: 12/17/2024

December 16, 2024 Board Meeting Notes

The Perryton ISD Board of Trustees held a board meeting on Monday, December 16th, 2024. Wes Beal opened the meeting and provided the invocation.

Superintendent Brown provided an update on a couple of projects ongoing at PISD. The football turf replacement has begun and will take approximately 2-3 weeks to complete. The renovations at Wright and PHS are also progressing. He accepted the resignation on Ludi Pena Martin principal, Kristina Gaspar.

Following the first executive session, the Board approved meeting minutes from the November 18th meeting and approved the budget amendment to pay for the turf replacement and installation, 7-0. There were no recommendations for hiring personnel. The Board also approved House Bill 3 Goals to improve math and reading STAAR score percentages of students for achieve the “meets” section of grading, as well as improving the student who meet College, Career, and Military Prep, unanimously. Approval of the payment of the turf, as well as the Early Resignation Incentive for the 2024-2025 school year were approved 7-0. After amending the decision made in the November meeting about the concession stand, the Board reconsidered the motion to put the concession stand on the North end. After floorplan #12 did not receive a second, the Board approved a design to move forward with floor plan #11, 6-1, Tregallas being the opposing vote. The approved floor plan will combine the field house, concession stands and bathrooms into one facility, angled toward the football field. Finally, additional lighting was approved for the PJH Auditorium, 5-2, Symons and Hale opposing.

The Board went into another executive session to discuss the superintendent evaluation. The meeting was adjourned at 10:46 pm. No action was taken following the final closed session.

The next monthly meeting of the board will be Monday, January 20th, 2025 at 6:00 pm at the PISD Administration Building at 821 SW 17th Ave.


Floorplan 11